
Season 1: Cryptids

The Flathead Lake Monster

Episode 40: The Flathead Lake Monster

27 miles long, 15 miles wide, and 370 feet deep. Flathead Lake has a lot of places to hide. But this isn’t the same old lake monster story. Over the course of more than a century, the tale of Flathead Lake has been one of not one, but two cryptids who share the same name. But what’s happening in northwest Montana that’s created this strange cryptid dichotomy? Or is it possible that we just might need another name? Tonight on Uncanny America, join us as we go in search of the Flathead Lake Monster.

mount rushmore with statues of usa presidents in national park

Episode 39: The Taku-He

What happens when a story no longer serves it’s purpose? Does it fade into obscurity? Or change into something new? In the 1970s the town of Little Eagle, SD experienced a rash of Bigfoot sightings that drew the eyes of the world to the Badlands. But it would become clear that this wasn’t simply Bigfoot, a fact that would have greater implications for the people of South Dakota. Tonight on Uncanny America, we go in search of the Taku-He.

Water Levels at Devil's Lake

Episode 38: The Devil’s Lake Monster

Devil’s Lake is said to be home to a mysterious creature from the last ice age. It existed in the tales of the Dakota people before eventually finding its way into the headlines of the East Coast. But a monster living in its depths may not be the strangest thing about Devil’s Lake, and its unique geography might be responsible for more terror being inflicted on the people living on its shore than any creature ever could. Tonight on Uncanny America, join us as we go in search of the Devil’s Lake Monster.

The Slide-Rock Bolter

Episode 37: The Slide-Rock Bolter

The mountains of Colorado are a place of wondrous natural beauty, and there are many creatures that you might expect to encounter if you visit. However, a land-based leviathan likely wasn’t one of them. But that’s exactly what is said to be lurking in the mountains around the small mining town of Rico, laying in wait for those unwary enough to venture into its path. But is the true terror lurking in the mountains a vicious predator, or something simultaneously more mundane and altogether more dangerous? Tonight on Uncanny America, join us as we go in search of the Slide-Rock Bolter.

The Walgren Lake Monster

Episode 36: The Walgren Lake Monster

For over a hundred years the Walgren Lake State Recreation Area has been a place where the people of Hay Springs to get out and enjoy nature. But under the dappled shadows cast by the cottonwood trees lies a mystery. A creature of many faces that terrorized the area for three years before disappearing entirely. Some say it was nothing more than a hoax, while others insist that it’s only sleeping. Tonight on Uncanny America we look at the question of what’s more interesting, a monster or the story behind it? Join us as we search for the Walgren Lake Monster.

green animal figure

Episode 35: Tahoe Tessie

Lake Tahoe. Nestled between the peaks of the Sierra Nevada mountains it sits apart from the rest of the world. It’s deep waters still, clear, and dark. For centuries there have been whispers of something that lived within its depths. Something with power, something to be feared. But what is it really? And how does it relate to the unique geography of the lake? Some say there are mysterious ties with a certain Scottish loch, while others say that it’s nothing more than an illusion. Tonight on Uncanny America, we go in search of Tahoe Tessie.


Episode 34: Mothman

West Virginia. A land of country roads, Blue Ridge Mountains, and the Shenandoah River. Its natural beauty brings thousands of tourists to enjoy its splendor. But there’s another attraction, completely unnatural, yet equally as intriguing, that lures the curious and questioning to West Virginia year after year. It once was a harbinger of disaster for the small town of Point Pleasant, but then turned into the bringer of its fortune. What was the creature that first brought terror, and then prosperity? Tonight on Uncanny America, we go in search of Mothman.

road landscape summer desert

Episode 33: The Dogman, Phantom Kangaroos, & the Devil Monkeys

At first glance, Kansas doesn’t appear to be a place that has anything to hide. The expansive, wide open fields in America’s Heartland seem to be nothing but open to the sun and sky above. What could possibly be hiding in plain sight? It’s only when the sun goes down that we get our answer. Because darkness hides all manner of things, even in the wide-open land of Kansas. From creatures that have existed from antiquity to strange creatures from a strange land to fearsome monsters that strike fear into all who encounter them, Kansas has a little of everything on offer. Tonight on Uncanny America, we go in search of the cryptids of Kansas. The Dogman, Phantom Kangaroos, and the Devil Monkeys.

Colossal Claude

Episode 32: Big Wally & Colossal Claude: The Water Monsters of Oregon

Still waters run deep and hold many secrets, but running waters can be just as mysterious. From the folk legends of the Nez Perce to the Coast Gard of the 20th Century, the rivers and lakes of Oregon have long been said to be the home to monsters that lurk just beneath the surface. Sometimes fearsome and other times benign, these creatures have become both fearsome deterrents to intruders in their watery realms to pop culture icons that adorn everything from souvenir keychains to craft brewed IPAs. What are their stories, and what might they really be? Tonight on Uncanny America, we go in search of Big Wally and Colossal Claude.

The Minnesota Iceman

Episode 31: The Minnesota Iceman

A dark carnival trailer. A chill in the air. You’ve seen the crowds and your curiosity is peaked. What is this mystery you’re being dared to discover? In 1969 a story would break that would shake the world of cryptozoology to its foundations. Evidence that would prove what had before only been theory. It’s a story that includes some of the world’s foremost scientific institutions as well as the FBI. But was everything truly as it seemed? Tonight on Uncanny America, we go in search of the Minnesota Iceman.

Fresno Nightcrawlers

Episode 30: The Fresno Nightcrawlers & Palos Verdes Space Brains

California is a land with many different faces. From the bright lights of Hollywood to the natural beauty of the state’s national parks, there’s something for just about everyone on planet earth. But as a few of our fellow earthlings can attest, it also seems to have an appeal to a more otherworldly type. In Fresno, a man was terrified in his own home by midnight visitors of unknown origins, while in Palos Verdes, two men would feel the repercussions of their close encounter for years to come. Has ET really visited the Golden State? Or are there more rational explanations? Tonight on Uncanny America, we go in search of the Fresno Nightcrawlers and the Palos Verdes Space Brains.

aggressive wolf standing in enclosure in zoo

Episode 29: The Bray Road Beast

It was a dark and stormy night, or so the story goes, when an 18-year old had a terrifying encounter as she was driving home on Bray Road. Her sighting of a fearsome creature was the first of a rash of sightings that terrified the residents of Walworth County, Wisconsin, and lay the foundations of one of the most infamous cryptids in the state that would go on to inspire both documentaries and shlock horror. Join us on Uncanny America, as we go in search of the Beast of Bray Road.

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